Welcome to the Smokefree Devon Alliance resources page, here you will find a selection of posters, fact sheets and training information that you can print off and distribute to support those on their quit journey.
Here are some useful links for Stop for Life Devon, One You Plymouth and Your Health Torbay who have developed a range of resources for you to use.
- Stop for Life Devon – Resources | Devon County Council Stop Smoking Service Provided by Best You (stopforlifedevon.org)
- One You Plymouth – Quit Smoking | One You Plymouth
- Your Health Torbay
- Stoptober campaign resources – Stoptober 2024 | Campaigns | Campaign Resource Centre (dhsc.gov.uk)
The NCSCT have developed factsheets for stop smoking support in secondary care, including The clinical case for providing stop smoking support to hospitalised patients and ward specific factsheets.
We have also developed a helpful flow chart to help you know where to refer a patient into their nearest smoking cessation service.