Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable illness and premature death in England and one of the largest causes of health inequalities. Smoking rates in Devon have fallen in recent years but remain high within some of our most vulnerable groups.
The Smoke Free Devon Alliance is a partnership of organisations committed to reducing the prevalence of smoking in Devon. Our vision is to create a smoke-free generation in Devon where people are protected from the harms caused by tobacco.
Our current work and priorities are outlined in our Smoke Free Devon Alliance Strategy and Action Plan.
Partnership work takes place across public health, the NHS, trading standards, environmental health, children’s centres, schools, youth settings, fire services, police, housing, community safety partnerships and the voluntary sector.
The Smoke Free Devon Alliance is a member of the Smoke Free Action Coalition, a group of organisations committed to promoting public health.
In addition to the steering group, there is a wider membership of partners and a newsletter is sent out several times a year.
If you are interested in joining the Smoke Free Devon Alliance, please contact Public Health on