Latest and upcoming campaigns
There are several tobacco control campaigns, both regional and national that we can all use to encourage people to make a quit attempt. Please use them to promote your organisations tobacco control efforts and to signpost smokers to the Local Stop Smoking Services.
- Stoptober – 1st to 31st October. Supporting smokers to stop smoking for 28 days makes them five times more likely to stay smoke free for good.
- National No Smoking Day – 12 March. Help as many people as possible to quit.
- World No Tobacco Day – 31st May. World Health Organisation (WHO) – Fighting the global tobacco epidemic.
Local tobacco control workstreams
- Stop illegal tobacco – Find out how you can help to reduce the impact of illegal tobacco supplies in our local communities.
- Smoking related fires – Help to reduce the occurrence of smoking-related fires in Devon.
Association of Directors of Public Health Statements
- On Tobacco.
- On Vaping.
- South West guidance on Smoke Free Homes.
Swap to Stop
As part of the world-first national scheme, almost 1 in 5 of all smokers in England will be provided with a vape starter kit to help them quit the habit as part of a series of new measures to help the government meet its ambition of being smokefree by 2030 – reducing smoking rates to 5% or less. To find out more, visit our Swap to Stop webpage.
Resources to promote national campaigns can be accessed via the Public Health England Resources website