Latest and upcoming campaigns
There are several tobacco control campaigns, both regional and national that we can all use to encourage people to make a quit attempt. Please use them to promote your organisations tobacco control efforts and to signpost smokers to the Local Stop Smoking Services.
- Stoptober – 1st to 28th October. Supporting smokers to stop smoking for 28 days makes them five times more likely to stay smokefree for good. Resources are available for download now from the Public Health England resource website.
- National No Smoking Day – 8 March 2023 help as many people as possible to quit.
- World No Tobacco Day – 31st May 2023. World Health Organisation (WHO) – Fighting the global tobacco epidemic.
Local tobacco control workstreams
- Stop illegal tobacco – Find out how you can help to reduce the impact of illegal tobacco supplies in our local communities.
- Smoking related fires – Help to reduce the occurrence of smoking-related fires in Devon.
Association of Directors of Public Health Statements
- On Tobacco.
- On Vaping.
- South West guidance on Smoke Free Homes.
Resources to promote national campaigns can be accessed via the Public Health England Resources website