Swap to Stop

If you are a member of the public interested in the Swap to Stop scheme, please visit Stop for Life Devon for more information.

About the Programme

  • As part of the world-first national scheme, almost 1 in 5 of all smokers in England will be provided with a vape starter kit to help them quit the habit as part of a series of new measures to help the government meet its ambition of being smokefree by 2030 – reducing smoking rates to 5% or less.
  • Whilst not risk-free, vaping poses only a small fraction of the risks of smoking. This is because there is no combustion with vapes and the vapour produced does not contain the products in cigarette smoke that cause lung disease, heart disease and cancer. Anyone who smokes and who switches to vaping is making a change that results in immediate health benefits.
  • Swap to Stop is a light-touch, encouraging, and innovative way of raising the subject of smoking with people who may have never considered themselves ready for stopping. It does not require any specialist skills apart from an ability to talk to people in a way that opens up a conversation, and this is what happens every day between frontline staff and clients, service users and patients in many settings.

Methods of Delivering the Programme

  • The Swap to Stop scheme can be delivered in a variety of settings, reaching some of those who would not regularly engage with health services, let alone seek support for stopping smoking. While our Local Stop Smoking Services, Stop for Life Devon, continue to deliver structured behavioural support, many other frontline staff in organisations that regularly give advice and support to people who smoke are in a position to operate the Swap to Stop programme.

Vape Myth Busting

Swap to Stop Webinar – 10th October 2024

Would you like to offer free vape starter kits to users in your service?

The webinar gives an overview of the Swap to Stop scheme in Devon, introduces our Local Stop Smoking Service, Stop for Life Devon, and our vape provider, Evapo. If you have any questions please email francesca.reed@devon.gov.uk


If you would like to register your interest in becoming a Swap to Stop partner, please fill out this form.


  • National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training website hosts lots of useful information on the Swap to Stop scheme, including an e-learning module, guides for health and social care professionals around vaping, and a Swap to Stop memory jogger that contains a useful summary of the key parts of the scheme plus a refresher on VBA+ training.
  • Stop for Life Devon have developed some resources around vaping facts plus a useful Swap to Stop poster and z-card to promote the scheme, which can be posted out to your service once you have signed up.

Current Partners