Public Health Devon is currently running a pilot project to provide free vape starter kits to people vulnerably housed in Devon.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, concerns were being reported around:
- low adherence to social distancing in communal areas of temporary housing
- sharing of cigarettes
- smoking of discarded cigarette butts
- risk of eviction from smokefree temporary accommodation
One Small Step are now providing free vape kits to this group. This is in addition to their standard offer of nicotine replacement therapy or stop smoking medication, alongside behavioural support.
Eligibility criteria:
Adults (aged 18+) in emergency/temporary accommodation with history of rough sleeping, or those that have been housed during the COVID-19 outbreak. This could include:
- Those housed due to the COVID-19 outbreak as part of ‘Everyone In’
- People with a history of rough sleeping in shared temporary accommodation including hostels, hotels and B&Bs
- Those housed during the COVID-19 outbreak due to statutory duties e.g. pregnant women and families with dependent children, prison leavers
- People in temporary accommodation and shielding
The criteria will be regularly reviewed as there are only a limited number of vapes available during this pilot.
Process details:
- Clients will need to be referred to One Small Step, via a streamlined referral process.
Click here for the project pathway
Click here for the referral form detailing the information required. These details can also be emailed to without using the form if easier. - The vape model available is the Orca Solo, a rechargeable device. A video on setting up this device can be found at:
- Training on the referral pathway and use of the vapes can be arranged for staff who will be supporting this project.
Please do share this information with anyone in contact with these client groups, so the vapes can support those who need them most.