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Guide: Childrens Centres and Early Year settings are smokefree

The Three A’s

In the film clip you have just watched you have seen how you could help smokers that you come into contact with during your day to day work.

Try to remember the components of the Brief Intervention method.

Ask – Identify smoking status

Advise – The most effective way to stop is with personal support and medication

Act – Refer to NHS Stop Smoking Service for advice and support if they are ready. If not ready, leave information with them


Be alert to using the opportunities you have for raising the issue:

“I wonder, are you smoking at the moment?”

“I know you quit a while back – how’s that going?”

Encourage the client to talk and take the lead. You don’t need to know why or how much they smoke, so don’t get drawn into a long conversation on their reasons.


“The most successful way to stop smoking is by using personal support and stop smoking medications”

These include different kinds of nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum, lozenge, mouth spray, inhalator, tabs, strips, nasal spray) and tablets (if over 18 and not pregnant). All are available on prescription.


If they are ready to stop smoking now: refer them the Local Stop Smoking Service.

If they are content to stay smoking: Leave information for them about the Local Stop Smoking Service in case they change their minds at a later date.
